Posts tagged “tracey

Street Style ~ Hong Kong / Milk & Tracey

Name: Milk

Age: 19

Occupuation: Student


Name: Tracey

Age: 18

Occupation: Student

Favourite Place to Shop: Mong Kok, Hong Kong.

I met these two when I was taking photos of some breakdancers at night with my friends in Sha Tin, Hong Kong. I thought these two were adorable! Both eating pocky sticks and had a very cute and lively atmosphere about them. As the other colour trend in Hong Kong besides from black is beiges/browns, I thought these two matched each other’s outfits really sweetly. In the winter weather, as said before, trench coats are very popular this year, whereas ankle, calf and knee furry boots are too. A common trend has been to buy these attachable furs to your boots to keep your legs even warmer. They vary in colour and style. aka. leopard prints. Think of some female ravers with skimpy outfits but long furry boots on…but in a better way suited for winter.